Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Well, without lots of undue windup, here we go.

I'm going to the University of Michigan.  I'll probably be starting in July. I have to figure out lots of the fun things like moving.  Blerg.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Hello, friends.  Today was a fabulous, crabulous day.  It was my favorite holiday.  International Eat A Tasty Animal for PETA day.  Yummy.

To I've celebrated this day before, so I have no need to explain how the holiday works.  But because I am merciful, here is somebody else explaining it.

This is my report:

For breakfast, I had cow's milk.  Yummy.
For lunch, I ate a cow, a pig, and a chicken.  Yum.
And for dinner, my crowning achievement, I had sushi.  This included:
  • Tuna
  • Albacore (which is apparently different)
  • Salmon
  • Red Snapper
  • Softshell Crab
  • Eel
  • Shrimp
  • Smelt (actually just the eggs, but you know how I stand on abortion- those are animals)
  • Yellow Tail
  • Mackerel
I was even going to brave Squid, but they were out.  Sad.

Anybody beat that count?

Strange hobbies

You know, I've heard lots of strange things people do to amuse themselves.  Watch anime, play rugby, knit, etc.  But this one takes the cake.  Punching kids.  This old guy punches kids in the back of the head for kicks.  He likes the thrill of getting away with it while their parents are right there.

You know what makes it even better?  He does it in Walmart.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Guess who's published?

This guy.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I've said it before...

...but women are nuts.  Or maybe just people are nuts.  Read the first paragraph or so to see what I mean.  Wow.
I'm a Mormon.