Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas dinner!

I'm only posting this 5 days late.  That's pretty good for me.

So, the date is December 24th.  It's Kate's last day at Barnes and Noble.  I'm home all alone, so I decided to make Christmas Dinner.  And in the finest of family traditions, I made a Swedish feast.  The recipe was documented by Sara in her recipe book.  It has come in quite handy over the years.

To start, I chopped up an onion (sliced half and diced half) and sauteed it in a little bit of oil in our dutch oven (Thanks John and Dan!)

Then, I browned a beef roast.  I found this particular roast on sale at Kroger.  Thank goodness for sales.  It's about a pound and a half, which is a lot for two people, but it is just right for two people who want leftovers for several days.  You just want to sear the sides, not actually cook the roast just yet.  A couple minutes on each side is perfect.

Then I put the lid on and let it cook over low heat for a few hours.  I deviated from the recipe a bit by adding a healthy (huge) spoonful of minced garlic.  Because I love garlic more than I love recipes, which is saying a lot.

After cooking for a few hours, I added another onion.  Not just any onion, mind you, but an onion with 4 cloves stuck into it.

I'm not sure why we stick the cloves into the onion like this.  All I know is that it seems to please the Swedish dinner gods, so I do it.

Next I added a single bay leaf.

Yum.  Partially cooked roast and raw onion and bay leaf.  After this, I put the lid back on and put it in the oven (I could have left it on the stove, but the oven was already warm from baking Limpa bread, and I needed the stovetop space)

While the roast cooked in the oven, I cooked up some sausages. 

And, of course, threw them in with the roast about an hour before I took the roast out.  And that's how you make a delicious Swedish dinner roast.


Bradwich said...

Any meal involving two meats or inserting one food inside of another easily increases the awesome factor by a few points.

the House of Payne said...

I got to get a copy of that book, man.

I'm a Mormon.